These images show reprojected versions of this panorama. The Diana temple has been built around 1613 – 1617 with it’s surrounding park. It is located in the centre of the Hofgarten, a small park near the city centre of Munich.
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This is the blog of the PanoTwins
Articles related to the Sony α 700 camera. Mostly panoramas taken with the camera and usually the Sigma 8mm/f4 fish eye lens.
These images show reprojected versions of this panorama. The Diana temple has been built around 1613 – 1617 with it’s surrounding park. It is located in the centre of the Hofgarten, a small park near the city centre of Munich.
During Oktoberfest the tower of St. Paul can be ascended.
Turmblick St. Paul, Westen, südlich in München
This image shows a reprojected version of this panorama.
Inspired by the work of Panotwin Jürgen I played with my submission for the WWP theme “Forgotten places”. This reprojection is the result.
Short before the Oktoberfest starts the innkeepers drive with their horses and carriages towards the Oktoberfest place. Thousands of poeple stand along the way through the city and cheer the waitresses on the carriages.
200 Jahre Oktoberfest Einzug der Festwirte in München
The yearly procession before the opening of the Oktoberfest takes place. The innkeepers of the huge Oktoberfest tents march towards the so called “Wiesn”. The road is closed and thousands of spectators watch horse drawn carriages, musicians and even oxen.
200 Jahre Oktoberfest Einzug der Festwirte in München
Some years ago during a high-water the old bridge has been destroyed. This wooden frame work bridge is the new one. It is a very similar construction to the one you find some kilometers downstream.
A typical red telephone booth near a famous stone bridge in Postbridge.
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