This stereographic reprojection shows the Euro Symbol near the European Central Bank in Frankfurt.
Tag: Sony Alpha 700
Articles related to the Sony α 700 camera. Mostly panoramas taken with the camera and usually the Sigma 8mm/f4 fish eye lens.
Reprojected German Senior Championships 10000m
This image shows a reprojected version of this panorama. The reprojection type is stereographic.
Reprojected Piața Unirii in Timișoara, Romania
This image shows a Droste type reprojection of the Piața Unirii in Timișoara, Romania.
Reprojected Imberger Horn Summit View (Christmas Tree)
In the previous post I presented a reprojected version of this panorama. I used the reprojected panorama as a base image for a Droste type reprojection. The result is the christmas tree below.
Reprojected Imberger Horn Summit View
This image shows a reprojected version of the Summit of the Imberger Horn.
Show on mapReprojected subway station (Westfriedhof, Munich)
When I saw Jürgen’s previous post a reprojected version of this WWP panorama came to my mind:
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Panotwin Markus shooting the subway station Westfriedhof for WWP ‘Color’
Today I was searching for an image of the subway station Westfriedhof in Munich. As I browsed my database I found the following image of Panotwin Markus shooting the Munich subway station Westfriedhof with a double monopod setup.
The final panorama is hosted at the WWP event ‘Color’.
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Schäfflertanz at Marienplatz
Every seven years the Schäfflertanz is performed during the carnival. Schäfflertanz translates to “Dance of the coopers”. It is said that in the year 1571 the coopers started dancing on the streets to bring the inhabitants of Munich back onto the streets after a pest epidemic. Nowadays this habit is performed all over Upper Bavaria.
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Reprojected Streetlife Festival 2011, Ex+Hop Contest
This image shows a reprojected image of the Streetlife Festival 2011, Ex+Hop Contest. The projection is “stereographic”.
Show on mapReprojected subway station (Candidplatz, Munich)
This image shows a reprojected image of the subway station Candidplatz in Munich. The projection is “stereographic”.