I took four images around. One in each cardinal direction and an extra one to get rid of my shadow. I used the Sigma 8mm fish eye lens on a Sony A700 mounted on a double monopod construction.
Tag: Sony Alpha 700
Articles related to the Sony α 700 camera. Mostly panoramas taken with the camera and usually the Sigma 8mm/f4 fish eye lens.
Reprojection of Munich subway station Messestadt West
This image is a reprojection of Munich subway station Messestadt West. The projection is stereographic down. It’s also available as an interactive spherical.
Visiting the fun fair Dippemess
This panorama is an impression of the fun fair Dippemess in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
[pano file=”https://www.panotwins.de/wp-content/panos/JMatern_080330_1089-1107_RM.xml” preview=”https://www.panotwins.de/wp-content/panos/JMatern_080330_1089-1107_RM.jpg”]
Outside Nymphenburg Palace (Munich)
I recently visited the Nymphenburg Palace in Munich. Of course I took some sphericals. Here is one of them:
[pano file=”https://www.panotwins.de/wp-content/panos/JMatern_080209_0338-0342_RM.xml” preview=”https://www.panotwins.de/wp-content/panos/JMatern_080209_0338-0342_RM.jpg”]
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