This is from my 2019 calender either the May or the November page.
This Transverse Mercator type reprojection was generated from a spherical panorama I took at an arena polo event at the Munich Airport.

See the interactive version on 360 Cities .
This is the blog of the PanoTwins
This is from my 2019 calender either the May or the November page.
This Transverse Mercator type reprojection was generated from a spherical panorama I took at an arena polo event at the Munich Airport.
See the interactive version on 360 Cities .
This is from my 2019 calender either the February or the August page.
This stereographic reprojection was generated from a spherical panorama I shot standing in the Prater amusement park in Vienna, Austria.
See the interactive version here.
This panoramic image shows the ferris wheel at the “Wäldchestag” in Frankfurt am Main (Germany). It’s a fun fair which takes place once a year in the southern woods of Frankfurt.
The shooting was done with a 3 meter (appx. 10 ft) pole to reach a more elevated viewpoint. The camera was a Ricoh Theta Z1. The RAW image was optimized in Lightroom and stitched with the plugin for Lightroom. Cleanup of nadir was done with Pano2VR.
This is from my 2019 calender either the May or the November page.
This stereogrpahic reprojection was generated from a spherical panorama I took at an arena polo event at the Munich Airport.
See the interactive version on 360 Cities .
This panoramic image shows the place “Hühnermarkt” (chicken market) in Frankfurt am Main (Germany). The place is a part of the so called “Neue Altstadt” a central area of the city, which was rebuilt in a historic style and opened to the public in 2018.
The shooting was done with a 3 meter (appx. 10 ft) pole to reach a more elevated viewpoint. The lens was mounted with a custom-made bracket. Stitched from six images taken with a Walimex (Samyang) 7.5mm fish eye lens on a Sony ILCE-QX1. Five images around and one additional image for the nadir.
This is from my 2019 calender either the February or the August page.
This stereographic reprojection was generated from a spherical panorama I shot standing near the entry of the Boomerang roller coaster in the Prater amusement park in Vienna, Austria.
See the interactive version here.
This is from my 2019 calender either the January or the July page.
This stereographic reprojection was generated from a spherical panorama I shot standing in the middle of Bad Hindelang’s church St. Johannes der Täufer.
See the interactive version here.
This image is from the October page of my 2018 calender. Reprojection is stereographic down (little planet) and was done with PTGui Pro. It’s also available as an interactive spherical.