This image shows a reprojected version of this panorama. It is an old german telephone booth.

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This image shows a reprojected version of this panorama. It is an old german telephone booth.
The original panorama for these reprojections was shot in the Viscardihof in Munich. The spherical panorama was reprojected to a stereographic view. This image was again reprojected applying a Droste effect. The artist of the sculpture is Olafur Eliasson.
These images show reprojected versions of this panorama. The projections are based on the two stereographic projections shown here. In a second step they were once again reprojected using the Droste effect.
These images show reprojected versions of this panorama. The Diana temple has been built around 1613 – 1617 with it’s surrounding park. It is located in the centre of the Hofgarten, a small park near the city centre of Munich.
This panorama shows Bad Hindelang from the mountain station of the Imberger Horn cable car. The original panorama was stitched from seven portrait oriented images and has a resolution of 12754×4410 pixel. I’m standing on the hang glider start ramp. You can find a full spherical panorama from this location here.
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This panorama shows Bad Hindelang from the mountain station of the Imberger Horn cable car. The original panorama was stitched from six portrait oriented images and has a resolution of 15618×5206 pixel. See another panoramic image which was taken by PanoTwin Markus some minutes later.
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Inspired by the work of Panotwin Jürgen I played with my submission for the WWP theme “Forgotten places”. This reprojection is the result.
Panographers inspect the Ladybug2 spherical video camera, that has been mounted on a wheelchair.
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This panorama has been stitched from two images taken with the Sony NEX5 camera. I used the so called “Sweep Panorama” shooting mode of the camera. You start to shoot while turning around. The camera takes images very fast and stitches them directly in the camera. The result is a single JPG image. In this case I had to take two panoramas, each with a resulting size of 12416×1856 pixels. Afterwards I used PTGui Pro to combine the two images, which had a horizontal FOV of about 207°. The final stitched panorama had a size of 21748×1776 pixels. One problem was moving people, like e.g. Bernhard. I was not able to correct this, because the error already occured inside the camera. Thus the source image for my panorama already had this error. 🙁
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Note: This is the very first panorama I took with this new technique!
Poeple are watching the game URU vs. GHA at the soccer world cup quarter finals in Southafrica. The team from URU won 4:2 after some very dramatic scenes.
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