This is from my 2018 calender either the April or the October page.
See the interactive version here.

This is the blog of the PanoTwins
Panoramas from inside buildings or taken in the city. You may see some green but usually not that much! For the opposite visit the panoramas tagged with nature!
This is from my 2018 calender either the April or the October page.
See the interactive version here.
This is from my 2018 calender either the March or the September page.
See the interactive version here.
This spherical panorama was taken while standing inside the Frauenfriendenskirche, a church in Frankfurt am Main (Germany).
The shooting was done with a monopod which was mounted on top of a tripod. I used a Ricoh Theta S in HDR mode for the shot.
This spherical panorama was taken while standing inside the rotunda of Schirn Kunsthalle, a museum in Frankfurt am Main (Germany). The mirror is part of the installation “[DIS]CONNECT” by Philipp Fürhofer.
The shooting was done with a monopod which was mounted on top of a tripod. The lens was mounted with a custom-made bracket. Stitched from five images taken with a Walimex (Samyang) 8mm fish eye lens on a Sony A7RM3. Four images around and an additional image for the nadir.
This spherical panorama was taken inside the Mall of Berlin.
The shooting was done with a 3 meter (appx. 10 ft) pole to reach a more elevated viewpoint. The lens was mounted with a custom-made bracket. Stitched from five images taken with a Walimex (Samyang) 7.5mm fish eye lens on a Sony ILCE-6000. Four images around and an additional image for the ground.
This spherical panorama shows the Frühstückspavillon in Kassel (Germany).
The shooting was done from top of a monopod. Stitched from five images taken with a Walimex (Samyang) 7.5mm fish eye lens on a Sony ILCE-QX1. Four images around and an additional image for the ground.
This spherical panorama was taken from under an art sculpture in the courtyard of the ADAC headquarters in Munich.
This panorama shows a contestant doing the big jump at the indoor downhill event 2017 MyZeil DownMall. It was taken with a Panono Explorer and retouched afterwards with Photoshop.
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This spherical panorama shows the interior of the Westend Synagogue in Frankfurt am Main
The shooting was done with a 3 meter (appx. 10 ft) tripod to reach a more elevated viewpoint. Actually it was a monopod which was mounted on top of a tripod. The lens was mounted with a custom-made bracket. Stitched from five HDR images taken with a Walimex (Samyang) 7.5mm fish eye lens on a Sony ILCE-6000. Four images around and an additional image for the nadir. Each HDR image was generated from three bracketed exposures within Lightroom.