This statue is located near the Cathedral of Messina. The cathedral has been built in the 12th century. However it had to be rebuilt after a massive earth quake in 1908 und again after a fire in World War II.
[pano file=”” preview=””]
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Cathedral of Messina – Nave
The Cathedral of Messina has been built in the 12th century. However it had to be rebuilt after a massive earth quake in 1908 und again after a fire in World War II. The floor has very nice ornamental patterns, so be sure to check out this reprojection!
Five easy steps to publish a spherical panorama using Google Views
Some information on this post is outdated! Google Views has been migrated to Google Maps / Google Streeet View. Outdated information has been
struck through.
Google added a nice feature to their set of web based applications recently. Publishing geo located spherical panoramas (aka Photo Spheres) on Views.
Once these panoramas are published they can also be embedded in other web sites. This article explains how you can achieve this.
- A Google+ account (Get one here).
- An equirectangular panorama (or a full 360° cylindrical panorama)
Step1: Create an equirectangular image
Use your favourite stitching software to create an equirectangular image. I usually use PTGui for this purpose. But there are plenty of other solutions available:
Step2: Add Photo Sphere meta data to your panorama
When dealing with Google a spherical panorama is called a Photo Sphere. But in fact this is only just an equirectangular image containing special meta data tags embedded in the file. You find the official Photo Sphere meta data documentation here. Starting with Android Version 4.2 (Jelly Bean) mobile phones can be used to create them directly. When you are working with the conventional workflow of a panoramic photographer you have to add this information into the image manually. There are several ways possible to achieve this, the methods are covered in a separate post.
Step 3: Upload your Photo Sphere to Maps
There are several options available:
One of the easiest ways is to search for a place in Maps. When the place is found there is a section with photos. A small icon should show which says: Add a photo. Just click it, upload a Photo Sphere and you’re done!
One even easier way is to use the Street View App on Android or iOS
The following steps are mostly outdated (old workflow with Views), and are only here for reference purposes
Step 3: Check your Google Plus default image settings
Important: Before you proceed to upload your images there are two settings you should check on your Google Plus settings:

I think the two most important settings you should check are:
- Upload my photos at full size to be checked ON. Otherwise your images are scaled down to a width of 2000 pixels.
- Auto-enhance should be switched OFF. Otherwise Google enhances the images automatically. This may be a good idea for crappy mobile phone images, but not for already perfectly created high quality equirectangulars!
Step 4: Publish your Photo Sphere to Maps Views
When your panorama has the required Photo Sphere meta information you can publish your panorama on Google Views. The first step to publish your panorama on Google Views is to upload it to your Google account. You do this using your Google Plus photos section

After the uploading process has finished you can control whether your image hsa been recognized as a Photo Sphere. This is the case when the Photo Sphere Symbl is shown on the image. This could look something like this:

When you don’t see the icon in the middle of your image something went wrong!
When you see the icon you can proceed to publish your panorama on Google Views. Open the homepage and search the little blue camera icon on the upper right corner . Press it and you will be able to select one of your Photo Spheres uploaded to Google Plus. After confirming the selection the panorama will be added to your gallery. However it may take some time for it to show up. The panorma will also be published on Google Maps – after a review process
Step 5: Share or embed the finished panorama
For the final step you open the newly uploaded panorama on your Views gallery. On the bottom left corner you see an area containing a small map of the location of the panorama. Search for the share icon and press it. You’ll see a small window from which you can copy the required HTML iframe – code to embed the panorama on a web page.
Additional links
How to add mandatory Photo Sphere meta data to an equirectangular image
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Some information on this post is outdated! Google Views has been migrated to Google Maps / Google Street View. Outdated information has been
struck through.
Google added a new feature to their set of web based applications recently. Publishing geo located spherical panoramas (aka Photo Spheres) on Views.
In another article, Markus already described the complete workflow which is needed to publish a panoramic image on Views and embed it into your website.
In this article I will describe several methods of writing and displaying the mandatory meta data which is used by a photo sphere.
The methods are
- Using the website
- Using ExifToolGUI, ExifTool and a special workspace definition file (Windows only, read and write)
- Using a batch file and ExifTool (command-line only, droplet for Windows available, read and write)
- Using a custom metadata panel within Photoshop (tested with PS C6, PS CC, read and write)
- ExifMetaLrPlugin for Lightroom (tested with Lr 4, read)
As a prerequisite we assume that you already have geotagged your images. It is important to note, that you need at least latitude, longitude and the heading in the final image. For example you can do this with Geosetter on Windows, or with ExifTool.
1. Using the website
Google set up the website, where you can upload a JPG image and populate the required metadata. Unfortunately you have to be online and you have to up- and download the files. And not every filetype is supported. Otherwise it works fine, you just have to follow the instructions on the website.
2. ExifToolGUI and the GPano workspace
As ExifToolGUI is only available for Windows, you can skip to the other solutions if you run a different operating system on your machine.
First install the latest version of ExifTool by Phil Harvey. Be sure to get the stand-alone Windows executable, extract it to a path of your choice and rename it to
and copy it to a location which is already part of your search path.
Then install the latest version of ExifToolGUI as described on the homepage in section “2. ExifToolGUI” at the top of the page.
Save the following lines to a path of your choice with the filename
[WorkspaceTags] EXIF=-GUI-SEP Image Width=-ImageWidth^[8000] Don't change unless you know, what you do! Image Height=-ImageHeight^[4000] Don't change unless you know, what you do! EXIF GPS=-GUI-SEP GPS Latitude=-GPS:GPSLatitude^No Hint defined GPS Longitude=-GPS:GPSLongitude^No Hint defined Heading (EXIF)=-GPS:GPSImgDirection^[120.15] Direction in ° from [0] to [359.99] GPano=-GUI-SEP StitchingSoftware=-XMP-GPano:StitchingSoftware^[PTGui Pro 9.1.8] ProjectionType=-XMP-GPano:ProjectionType^only [equirectangular] is currently supported by Google products UsePanoramaViewer=-XMP-GPano:UsePanoramaViewer^[TRUE] if image should show as photosphere Heading (Pano)=-XMP-GPano:PoseHeadingDegrees^[135] direction in the middle of the image in degrees. N=0, E=90, S=180, W=270 CroppedWidth=-XMP-GPano:CroppedAreaImageWidthPixels^[8000] for full spheres the same as FullPanoWidth CroppedHeight=-XMP-GPano:CroppedAreaImageHeightPixels^[4000] for full spheres the same as FullPanoHeight FullPanoWidth=-XMP-GPano:FullPanoWidthPixels^[8000] width of image canvas FullPanoHeight=-XMP-GPano:FullPanoHeightPixels^[4000] heigth of image canvas CroppedLeft=-XMP-GPano:CroppedAreaLeftPixels^[0] within full sphere CroppedTop=-XMP-GPano:CroppedAreaTopPixels^[0] within full sphere
Open the file with ExifToolGUI (Menu>Program>Workspace definition file>Load…). Open the Metadata panel and open the Workspace. You should see the following workspace:
As reference the next screenshot shows an already populated photo sphere:
3. ExifTool via command-line
First install the latest version of ExifTool by Phil Harvey for your operating system.
Start exiftool from the command-line with the following parameters:
-ProjectionType="equirectangular" -UsePanoramaViewer="True" -"PoseHeadingDegrees<$exif:GPSImgDirection" -"CroppedAreaImageWidthPixels<$ImageWidth" -"CroppedAreaImageHeightPixels<$ImageHeight" -"FullPanoWidthPixels<$ImageWidth" -"FullPanoHeightPixels<$ImageHeight" -CroppedAreaLeftPixels="0" -CroppedAreaTopPixels="0"
Of course you also have to add a filename. If you supply the filename of a panoramic image in equirectangular format, which covers the full sphere, you get a photo sphere with the same name of the original image.
If you create a batch file on the desktop of a Windows machine with the following content:
FOR %%A IN (%*) DO ( "C:\Program Files (x86)\Geo\GeoSetter\tools\exiftool.exe" -ProjectionType="equirectangular" -UsePanoramaViewer="True" -"PoseHeadingDegrees<$exif:GPSImgDirection" -"CroppedAreaImageWidthPixels<$ImageWidth" -"CroppedAreaImageHeightPixels<$ImageHeight" -"FullPanoWidthPixels<$ImageWidth" -"FullPanoHeightPixels<$ImageHeight" -CroppedAreaLeftPixels="0" -CroppedAreaTopPixels="0" %%A ) PAUSE |
Then you have a droplet on which you can drop an equirectangular panoramic image which covers the full sphere and it gets populated with the required fields to be accepted as a photo sphere. If your image supplies the GPS-heading it’s also compliant with the requirements of Google-Maps.
4. Metadata panel and Photoshop
First you have to check the documentation of Adobes Custom File Info Panel to identify the proper location for the File Panels. On a Windows system running PS CC the files are located in
C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\XMP\Custom File Info Panels\4.0\panels
Create a directory named
Create a file named
with the following content:
<!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?--> <!-- Copyright 2013 by Jürgen Matern (/author/juergen/) This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 License ( In short: you are free to share and make derivative works of the file under the conditions that you appropriately attribute it and that you distribute it only under a license identical to this one. Photosphere File Info Panel (properties.xml) This panel implements the specific XMP fields of Photospheres. Additionally it displays additional fields of the image as read only fields. --> <xmp_definitions xmlns:ui=""> <xmp_schema prefix="GPano" namespace="" label="$/Custom/GPano/Photosphere=Photosphere" description="$/Custom/GPano/Description/Photosphere=This schema displays the required properties for photospheres."> <xmp_property name="StitchingSoftware" category="external" label="$/Custom/GPano/StitchingSoftware=Stitching Software:" type="openchoice" ui:width="20%"> <xmp_choice raw_value="PTGui Pro 9.1.8" label="PTGui Pro 9.1.8"> <xmp_choice raw_value="PTGui 9.1.8" label="PTGui 9.1.8"> <xmp_choice raw_value="Hugin" label="Hugin"> </xmp_choice></xmp_choice></xmp_choice></xmp_property> <xmp_property name="ProjectionType" category="external" label="$/Custom/GPano/ProjectionType=Pano Projection:" description="$/Custom/GPano/Description/ProjectionType=Currently Google applications only support equirectangular projection." type="closedchoice" ui:width="20%"> <xmp_choice raw_value="equirectangular" label="$/Custom/GPano/equirectangular=equirectangular"> <xmp_choice raw_value="" label="$/Custom/GPano/none=none specified"> </xmp_choice></xmp_choice></xmp_property> <xmp_property name="UsePanoramaViewer" category="external" label="$/Custom/GPano/UsePanoramaViewer=Use Panorama Viewer:" type="boolean"> <xmp_property name="PoseHeadingDegrees" category="external" label="$/Custom/GPano/PoseHeadingDegrees=Heading (at center of image):" description="$/Custom/GPano/Description/PoseHeadingDegrees=This field is only mandatory for Google Maps." type="real" ui:width="15%"> <xmp_property name="CroppedAreaImageWidthPixels" category="external" label="$/Custom/GPano/CroppedAreaImageWidthPixels=Cropped Area Image Width:" type="integer" ui:format="{0} pixel" ui:width="15%"> <xmp_property name="CroppedAreaImageHeightPixels" category="external" label="$/Custom/GPano/CroppedAreaImageHeightPixels=Cropped Image Heigth:" type="integer" ui:format="{0} pixel" ui:width="15%"> <xmp_property name="FullPanoWidthPixels" category="external" label="$/Custom/GPano/FullPanoWidthPixels=Full Pano Width:" type="integer" ui:format="{0} pixel" ui:width="15%"> <xmp_property name="FullPanoHeightPixels" category="external" label="$/Custom/GPano/FullPanoHeightPixels=Full Pano Heigth:" type="integer" ui:format="{0} pixel" ui:width="15%"> <xmp_property name="CroppedAreaLeftPixels" category="external" label="$/Custom/GPano/CroppedAreaLeftPixels=Cropped Pixels Left:" type="integer" ui:format="{0} pixel" ui:width="15%"> <xmp_property name="CroppedAreaTopPixels" category="external" label="$/Custom/GPano/CroppedAreaTopPixels=Cropped Pixels Top:" type="integer" ui:format="{0} pixel" ui:width="15%"> </xmp_property></xmp_property></xmp_property></xmp_property></xmp_property></xmp_property></xmp_property></xmp_property></xmp_schema> <xmp_schema prefix="exif" namespace="" label="$/Custom/EXIF/Fieldname/ImageDimensions=Image Dimensions" description="$/Custom/EXIF/Description/IMageDimensions=This schema displays the image dimensions from the EXIF header."> <xmp_property name="PixelXDimension" category="internal" label="$/Custom/EXIF/Fieldname/PixelXDimension=Image Width:" type="integer" ui:format="{0} pixel"> <xmp_property name="PixelYDimension" category="internal" label="$/Custom/EXIF/Fieldname/PixelYDimension=Image Height:" type="integer" ui:format="{0} pixel"> <ui:separator> </ui:separator></xmp_property></xmp_property></xmp_schema> <xmp_schema prefix="exif" namespace="" label="$/Custom/EXIF/Fieldname/GPSCoordinates=GPS coordinates" description="$/Custom/EXIF/Description/GPSCoordinates=This schema displays the GPS coordinates from the EXIF header."> <xmp_property name="GPSLongitude" category="internal" label="$/Custom/EXIF/Fieldname/GPSLongitude=GPS longitude (camera):" type="text"> <xmp_property name="GPSLatitude" category="internal" label="$/Custom/EXIF/Fieldname/GPSLatitude=GPS latitude (camera):" type="text"> <xmp_property name="GPSAltitude" category="internal" label="$/Custom/EXIF/Fieldname/GPSAltitude=GPS altitude (camera):" type="text"> <xmp_property name="GPSImgDirection" category="internal" label="$/Custom/EXIF/Fieldname/GPSImgDirection=GPS image direction:" type="real"> <xmp_property name="GPSDestLongitude" category="internal" label="$/Custom/EXIF/Fieldname/GPSDestLongitude=GPS longitude (motif):" type="text"> <xmp_property name="GPSDestLatitude" category="internal" label="$/Custom/EXIF/Fieldname/GPSDestLatitude=GPS latitude (motif):" type="text"> </xmp_property></xmp_property></xmp_property></xmp_property></xmp_property></xmp_property></xmp_schema> </xmp_definitions> |
Create a second file named
with the following content:
<!-- Copyright 2013 by Jürgen Matern (/author/juergen/) This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 License ( In short: you are free to share and make derivative works of the file under the conditions that you appropriately attribute it and that you distribute it only under a license identical to this one. Photosphere File Info Panel (manifest.xml) --> <xfi:fileinfo xmlns:xfi=""> <xfi:panels> <xfi:panel name="Photosphere" label="Photosphere" description="Properties for Photospheres" type="generic" version="1.0.5" panellibrary="generic" panelclass="examples.panels.generic.GenericPanel" propertydescriptionfile="properties.xml" localizationfile="Photosphere" modifydate="2013-08-25Z" visible="true"> </xfi:panel> </xfi:panels> </xfi:fileinfo> |
Then open the file info dialog of Photoshop. When all the metadata is missing, the new dialog looks like this:
And the following screenshot shows the dialog, when the metadata fields are already populated.
5. ExifMetaLrPlugin for Lightroom
First install the latest version of ExifTool by Phil Harvey for your operating system. Then install the latest version of ExifMetaLrPlugin. Configure the plugin to display the metadata. Unfortunately this solution is read only at the time of the writing of the article.
PanoTools Meeting 2013 Messina Sicily Second Impression
This years PanoTools Meeting took place in Messina, Italy. This panorama shows the meeting venue on the first day, short before the meeting started. The PanoTwins presented their talk about how to use spherical panoramas aka Photo Spheres in the Google universe. See the two posts here and here.
[pano file=”” preview=””]
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PanoTools Meeting 2013 Messina Sicily First Impression
This years PanoTools Meeting took place in Messina, Italy. This panorama shows the meeting venue on the first day, short before the meeting started. The PanoTwins presented their talk about how to use spherical panoramas aka Photo Spheres in the Google universe. See the two posts here and here.
[pano file=”” preview=””]
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Baoleskopf Viewpoint near the Summit Cross (Google Embedded Version)
This panorama was shot near the summit of mount Baoleskopf.
Between Bergächtle and Wiedemerkopf
This panorama has been made at the beginning of the trail to one of the highest mountains in the Allgäu. It is the Hochvogel, with a height of 2592m.
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View over Oberjoch and Ostrachtal
This panorama shows the view from near the summit of mount Baoleskopf towards the valley Ostrachtal. On the left ist the Oberjoch with the mountains Spießer ans Iseler.
I took nine images in portrait orientation. The final panorama has a size of 19752×5600 pixel.
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Baoleskopf Viewpoint near the Summit Cross
This panorama was shot near the summit of mount Baoleskopf.
[pano file=”” preview=””]
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