In the previous post I presented a reprojected version of this panorama. I used the reprojected panorama as a base image for a Droste type reprojection. The result is the christmas tree below.
Author: PanoTwin Markus
Reprojected Imberger Horn Summit View
This image shows a reprojected version of the Summit of the Imberger Horn.
Show on mapMunich Airport Arena Polo – Stereographic Down Wide
This image shows a reprojected image of an arena polo event at the Munich airport. You find the interactive version of the panorma here. The projection is stereographic down with a field of view covering 328°x313°.
Show on mapReprojected subway station (Westfriedhof, Munich)
When I saw Jürgen’s previous post a reprojected version of this WWP panorama came to my mind:
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White Easter in Bad Hindelang
Some impressions of Bad Hindelang on Easter Sunday. Over night fell about 10cm new snow. Between the clouds started to show some blue inbetween. This was just a quick handheld cylindrical I shot to capture the scenery. I took 6 portrait oriented images and stiched them.
Magic Experiments Bad Hindelang in Winter
The following images have been taken with a SLR Magic 35/f1.7 lens.
SLR Magic 35/f1.7 on Sony NEX 5
The SLR Magic 35mm/F1.7 is a manual lens and is available with an E-Mount, that fits on the Sony NEX camera series.
To be able to use it, you have to make sure you tweak some settings in your camera:
- Make sure you enable the shooting without a lens: Menu → Setup → Release w/o lens → Enable
- Before you continue make sure you have Firmware ≥ Ver. 04 installed! Check this using Menu → Setup → Version. When you have an older version installed download the latest version from the Sony support site here.
- Enable the MF Assist function using Menu → Setup → MF Assist → 2 Sec
You can choose between No Limit — 2 Sec — 5 Sec.
- Enable the Peaking Level using Menu → Setup → Peaking Level → Mid
You can choose between Low — Mid — High. - Choose your Peaking Color using Menu → Setup → Peaking Color → Red
You can choose between Yellow — Red — White.
Switch your camera to A- Mode (aperture priority) and use the MF Assist button to get a perfectly sharp picture even when shooting the lens wide open with f/1.7!
You find some example shots in this post.
See a very detailed review of the lens here.
Making of WWP312 Paths Event
I used this tripod construction – a monopod mounted on a tripod – to shoot the WWP- Paths event. You can see the finished panorama on the WWP homepage.
Schäfflertanz at Marienplatz
Every seven years the Schäfflertanz is performed during the carnival. Schäfflertanz translates to “Dance of the coopers”. It is said that in the year 1571 the coopers started dancing on the streets to bring the inhabitants of Munich back onto the streets after a pest epidemic. Nowadays this habit is performed all over Upper Bavaria.
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24h Snowing and Raining (timelapse video)
I was searching for a first project I wanted to shoot with my new gadget. The remote trigger for the Sony NEX 5 I presented in the previous post. I decided to shoot a timelapse video. As I did not have my time lapse trigger with me but a laptop I applied some changes to the code and the time lapse function for the Ultimate Trigger was born.
I programmed a fixed interval of 10 minutes between each shot, set the camera to aperture priority mode, set the focus to manual and started shooting for 24 hours. Every now and then I checked the progress and had some minor problems:
- After the first two hours the servo had moved and did not trigger any more.
- After the first six hours the Ultimate Trigger battery has been drained, however I noticed this after about the time, when more than four hours of shots were missing.
- After half the shooting time the Sony NEX battery was about half empty. As I did not have a spare one with me I recharged it several times for 9 minute intervals between the 10 minute shooting intervals.
Apart from these minor flaws I am satisfied with the result you can see here: