Fumarole at Hverarönð geothermal area (Iceland)

Hverarönð is a geothermal area east of the mountain Námafjall in the north of Iceland. It is part of the volcanic system of the Krafla volcano which is lokated about 8 km (5 miles) to the north.

Fumarole at Hverarönð geothermal area (Iceland)
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This is one of the rare occasions where I can provide an image, which documents the making of the panorama.

Shooting a horizontal pole panorama
Shooting a horizontal pole panorama

I took six images with a fisheye lens. After taking an image the pole was rotated about 60° before I took the next image. As the images were taken with a fisheye lens we were visible in the “nadir” of the final panorama. I retouched “nadir” and “zenith” manually in Photoshop. The real nadir and zenith were left unt(re-)touched as one shot was facing up and one was facing down.

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Mud pot at Hverarönð geothermal area (Iceland)

This image shows a hot mud pot in the Hverarönð geothermal area. The area is part of the volcanic system of the Krafla volcano which is lokated about 8 km (5 miles) to the north.

View this panorama on 360cities.net.

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