This panorama has been made from inside the head of Bavaria. Bavaria is a hollow bronze statue that can be ascended in the inside. It is located next to the Theresienwiese, where the famous Oktoberfest takes place since more than 200 years.
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Month: September 2011
13 years of history in a single panorama
The upcoming event at the WWP is named “history”. As I’m a regular contributor I also wanted to contribute for this event.
After a discussion with a friend of mine I decided to realize an idea which took shape in my mind quite some time ago. I wanted to integrate a picture which shows a historic point in time in a panorama which shows the actual scenery.
Here is the panorama of the actual scenery.
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And this is the historic image I wanted to integrate.
The combined panorama is hosted at the history event of the the world wide panorama.

Isar High-water Surfing
This panorama shows the standing wave at the Reichenbach bridge during the Isar river high-water on June 5th 2010. Lots of spectators watch the surfers and kayakers that try to ride on it. The wave is only present during very high water.
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Streetlife Festival 2011, Juggler
A juggler on a 4m high unicycle is juggling with fire.
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Streetlife Festival 2011, Ex+Hop Contest
More than 40 MTB- & BMX-Cyclists participated at the third EX&HOP contest. It was part of the Munich Streetlife Festival.
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Streetlife Festival 2011, Climbing
The DAV climbing wall is a great attraction for children to try out climbing at the Street Life Festival.
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