Panorama at Aratiatia Rapids

Despite the resolution of only 5 megapixels of one of the original images the stitched image has 55 megapixel due to its high number of source images. For this panorama I used 22 images in landscape orientation.

The Aratiatia Rapids are flooded every two hours from the dammed section of the Waikato river.

Aratiatia Rapids
Aratiatia Rapids

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The Remarkables as seen from Deer Park Heights

This panorama in cylindrical projection shows the mountain ridge ‘The Remarkables’ near Queenstown in New Zealand. I used 16 pictures with 5 MP. The resulting image is 13486 pixel by 3089 pixel in size.

The Remarkables as seen from Deer Park Heights
The Remarkables as seen from Deer Park Heights

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